How Well Do You Know Cole Sprouse?

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If you don't know who Cole Sprouse is, get out from under your rock and go watch Riverdale, or at least a video about his life before taking this quiz.

So how much do you know first-hand about Cole Sprouse? His roles? His family life? His relationships? His acting career? Who knows? I knows! Find out here!

Created by: Kat
  1. What is his birthday?
  2. What is his middle name?
  3. Which of his Riverdale co-stars did he date for two years?
  4. Did he play Zack or Cody?
  5. What is the first name of his identical twin brother?
  6. What character does he play in the CW series Riverdale?
  7. In 2019, what drama film did he appear in alongside Haley Lu Richardson?
  8. At what age did he and his brother begin acting?
  9. What is his father's name?
  10. Yay Cole!!! Ready for the results? (Yes, this affects your score. Say yes if you want a bonus.)

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Cole Sprouse?
