How Well Do You Know Brooke Davis?

You think you know Brooke Davis? Hahaha let's see if you know everything, like truly everything. Bet you don't. I guarantee you don't know as much as me.

Do you know her, like really really know her? Because I do! Now lets see if you can show how much you know with this quiz all about Brooke.

Created by: brooke
  1. Who did Brooke say this to, "I've never gave a rats a** about any one before"?
  2. Heres an easy one what's Brooke's middle name.
  3. Who is Brooke's first love?
  4. Who is Brooke's best friend?
  5. What is Brooke's moms name?
  6. Who's Brooke's favorite guy?
  7. Who was one of the choices that lucas was going to ask to marry him?
  8. Who is the love of Brooke's life?
  9. Who has loved Brooke more than any one?
  10. What was not one of Brooke's nicknames that lucas gave her?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Brooke Davis?