How well do you know Boy Meets World

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So you think you know Boy Meets World well this quiz will test you corn, and corpanga loving self with questions from season 1 to season 7 to the first episode to that last quote.

So you think you know Boy Meets World well this quiz will test you corn,and corpanga loving self with questions from season 1 to season 7 to the first episode to that last quote. Let's see how you do.

Created by: Anna
  1. Who first said "lose one friend. Lose all friends, lose yourself"
  2. How did Chet Hunter die?
  3. Why did Topanga call off the wedding
  4. What episode did Mr. Turner have a motorcycle accident
  5. How many times did Cory and Topanga break up
  6. On Cory's birthday where did he want to dive Topanga and Shawn
  7. How many actress(es) was Morgan played by
  8. In what season did Jack (Shawn half brother) come back
  9. How many times did Cory travel back in time through out the series
  10. What date did Cory and Topanga get married
  11. Why did Angela move to Europe
  12. What did Eric get on his SAT's
  13. What did Eric get on his SAT's
  14. What did Topanga put all over her face in the poem "Doughnut in the Sky"
  15. How did Shawn and Cory become best friends
  16. Why does Eric call Topanga fat
  17. Where did Jack and Rachel do in the last episode?
  18. Who went to New York
  19. Who was more of a father to Topnaga that her own father
  20. What was the last quote in the series finale

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Boy Meets World