How well do you know avatar the last airbender?

Some people know avatar, some don't. Who really cares who does, and who doesn't. I know i don't. Whatever, just take the quiz. Awkward. Um... La la la

One thing before though, if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all. I WANNA DANCE THE NIGHT AWAY WITH A PENGUIN HOLDING A BRICK!!!!!

  1. Which episode was Toph first in?
  2. What is the second episode in the third season?
  3. Who is the blue spirit?
  4. How old is Aang?
  5. Who said this: "It's okay MoMo, I still have my pants."
  6. Why does Zuko have a scar?
  7. What order did aang master the elements?
  8. What is sokka's sword made of?
  9. What does Katara bend?
  10. What element take Aang longer to master?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know avatar the last airbender?