How well do you know Ariana Grande?

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Hello! My name is Gaby. This quiz is about Ariana Grande. It will tell you how well you know her. Hopefully, everyone will get more than a 0%! Please don't be disappointed with your results.

I hope you will enjoy this quiz. Even though you might not get he results you wanted, you might still be an Arianator! Now, let's stop the talk and get on with the quiz!

Created by: Gaby Warder
  1. What does Ariana have tattooed to her toe?
  2. What is Ariana's real last name?
  3. What is Ariana's fave color?
  4. When is Ariana's birthday?
  5. What is Ariana Grande's fragrance called?
  6. Does Ariana Grande like Harry Potter?
  7. What is Ariana's favorite sunbject in school?
  8. What was the name of the first Broadway musical she starred in?
  9. Where was Ariana born?
  10. What is Ariana's half brother's name?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Ariana Grande?