How well do you know Annabeth Chase?

Rack your brains for facts on Annabeth Chase is from the Percy Jackson series. Only someone from the Athen cabin can pass this quiz on the powerful heroine Annabeth.

This quiz is only ten questions, which makes it harder to get a good score. You can only get two wrong at most to pass this difficult quiz. Have fun!!

Created by: Fern Smith
  1. Who was Annabeth’s first crush?
  2. What is Annabeth’s dad’s name
  3. What is Annabeth’s magic item?
  4. Who is Annabeth’s mom?
  5. What weapon does Annabeth use?
  6. What are Annabeth’s stepbrother’s names
  7. What is Annabeth’s birthday?
  8. What is Annabeth’s dad’s job?
  9. How did Annabeth meet Thalia and Luke?
  10. What were the first words Annabeth said to Percy?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Annabeth Chase?
