how totally sweet RU?

Well this is my quiz. Its about how completely sweet U may or may not B. This is annoying. Well Well Well SO....... Thats it BYE!!!!!!!!!! I'm really getting tired of this!

Good luck!!!!and more!!and still more!!!!And yes there R still more!!WEEEE!!!!fun huh?!!this is taking 4 ever!!Bye!!!!Great i have 2 write more words!

Created by: KT
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How many friends Do U have?
  2. whats your fav thing 2 do?
  3. i'M BORED!
  4. sleeping bunnies R cute!
  5. How many bf/gfs have U had?
  6. Whats your fav.?
  7. Who's dad is bald?
  8. Who wants pizza?
  9. 3 more questions!
  10. I'm really really hungry!

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