How to Say "I Love You" in a Way She'll Remember

You're here because you're looking for some advice with girls eh? You want help with your crush? This is a quiz for you then!


Created by: meg the mighty
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you were to ask a girl your age that you liked to the dance, and she said yes, would you tell her that you have a crush on her?
  2. Would you write her a love letter and put it in her locker?
  3. Would you die for her?
  4. What kind of first kiss would you share together?
  5. Is she your first ______?
  6. How would you tell her you love/___ her?
  7. Dose she know you?
  8. Dose she flirt with you?
  9. What grade are you in?
  10. Would you eat a hamburger in a swimming pool just to get a kiss?

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