how to know if your crush like you?

there are many people who ask "does my crush like me?" well now you can find that out here, a perfect quiz to tell you if your crush likes you back or not!!

are you one of those people? do you have the same questions most do?well your answer lies here, plus there for all ages, it works for really everyone!

Created by: lizzythecool
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. how long have you known each other?
  2. has he stared at you before?
  3. has he ever touched you?
  4. do his friends tease him about you?
  5. does he try to look nice around you?
  6. does he smile at you
  7. if you have known each other for a long time then haven't seen in a few years does he still remember your name?
  8. how much do you have in common?
  9. do you keep in touch?
  10. does he say hi first?

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Quiz topic: How to know if my crush like you?