How smarticles are you?! you may be surprised

This aint the normal IQ test. You gotta think outside the box. These are ****REALLY**** simple if you dont think about it, okay? Have fun and send you friends here, so they can also feel dumb.

Friends! Send your friends! Tell them its a cinch even if you failed! C'mon, you know you want to look smart in front of people! Also, it will look excellent on your resume!

Created by: christina
  1. who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
  2. If Chuck Norris was stabbed behind a childrens' hospital, who lived?
  3. If your friend is Marco, and you are Polo, who is Whackjob?
  4. How muck wood would a woodchuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
  5. Does a 10 pound bag of flour make a really big buscuit?
  6. Who can do the best Soulja Boy?
  7. Who is the best option for Texas Ranger?
  8. Are you pleased to know this is question #8?
  9. Do you want this quiz to be over?
  10. How did u like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: How smarticles am I?! you may be surprised