How smart are you?

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I love riddles. They are fun, and help improve your brain. Riddles are awesome. But some riddles are harder than others. Are you smart enough to do these riddles?

Are YOU smart enough to figure out these riddles? Well, test yourself out by taking this quiz. Then, tell me. I wonder, can you solve them all, or will you bail out?

Created by: Betty Cushman
  1. Riddle number one: During what month do people sleep the least?
  2. Riddle number 2: What's the center of gravity?
  3. Riddle number 3: Two girl go to a restaurant. They both order iced tea. The first girl drinks hers very fast and orders a second one and drinks that too. The other girl drinks her very slowly, until the ice has melted, but then dies. How is this possible?
  4. Riddle number 4: A man is walking through the park one day and sees a group of four boys standing in a circle. A smaller boy is holding a large stick and hands it to a larger boy saying "I couldn't do it, your turn." The larger boy swings the stick twice and the other two boys go to the ground. The smaller boy says "I'll get 'em next time." The man walks away smiling. What just happened?
  5. Riddle number 5: A man killed his mother, was born before his father, and married his sister, but none of this was wrong. Why?
  6. Riddle number 6: When is 99 more than 100?
  7. Riddle number 7: What kind or room has no doors or windows?
  8. Riddle number 8: Whoever makes it, tells it not. Whoever takes it, knows it not. Whoever knows it, wants it not. What is it?
  9. Riddle number 9: There were five men going to church and it started to rain. The four that ran got wet and the one that stood still stayed dry. Which one stayed dry?
  10. PLEASE comment and rate if possible.

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Quiz topic: How smart am I?