How smart are you?

There are many smart people, but few geniuses. Genius is,after all, quite exceptional.What is a genius? A genius is someone who has a very fast brain in witch can solve complex problems on a very short amount of time.

Are YOU a genius? We'll take this quiz to find out and maybe you just might happen to be one yourself. Many people haven't figured them selves out fully yet. We'll here is a chance for you to discover something new about you.

Created by: Kitkat
  1. Do you think you are smart?
  2. Would you rather have your fingers jammed hard in a door or, pee in your pants at school? A or B?
  3. What grades do you usually get in your report card at school?
  4. How do you like this quiz so far?
  5. Spell the word with this definition: intellegint is another way of saying it
  6. Does your teacher like you?
  7. Do you have lots of friends?
  8. I have no more ideas....
  9. Are you exited to see your results??!?!
  10. Thank you for taking this quiz To finish it off Would you rather drown or live?

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Quiz topic: How smart am I?