How smart are you?

Welcome dunces, nerds, scholars and flunkers,! Care to test your (questionable) knowledge? Then try taking my weird but awesome knowledge quiz which will blow your mind with some answers.

This test will push your brain to the maximum point of weird knowledge (note that this quiz is also for entertainment and not just for nerds.) You will be stunned with some of these answers.

Created by: Waterfairy

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. When did Dodo birds become extinct?
  2. What is the island of the dolls?
  3. Was Dracula a real person?
  4. Are there people with superhuman abilities
  5. What is Atlantis
  6. You are 7 years old and your dog is 1 year old. Who is older?
  7. Where do most astronauts come from
  8. Is Spiderman real
  9. Does 2+5=4
  10. Mississippi, how do you spell it

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Quiz topic: How smart am I?