How Smart Are You?

Are you as smart as me? Prove to me how smart you really are when you take this test that I made completely and only from memory. Come see if you really have what it takes.

Do you honestly think that you are as smart as me? Well since I don't think so you should prolly come and take this quiz and see. But beware, this quiz is pretty sneaky and you might have to use some brains :)

Created by: Austin

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Ok, let's start off easy... Which of the seven wonders of the ancient world still stands?
  2. Who built the mountain city of Machu Picchu?
  3. How did the legendary guitar player, Stevie Ray Vaughan die?
  4. Ok now to stretch your knowledge a little... and on't think for a second i'm looking these answers up... it's straight from memory :) who was the longest reigning pharoah in egypt's history?
  5. What civilization had the largest land empire in history?
  6. what is the strongest substance known to man?
  7. when the spanish conquerers approaches the emporor of the aztecs what was he presented?
  8. what spot on a shark if touched, temporarily disables it?
  9. what is the largest venomnous snake in the world?
  10. What spacecraft was the first to use the somewhat science fiction "ion drive"
  11. What is the fastest production car in existence?
  12. What was the T-Rex?
  13. What is a biproduct of burning hydrogen in cars?
  14. Who invented the light bulb
  15. Who painted the last supper?
  16. What country has the warmest water on it's beaches?
  17. what color are my eyes?
  18. ok now for a hard one.... what is in the middle of our galaxy?
  19. ok last one.... what to i want to do most by the time i die?

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Quiz topic: How Smart am I?