How Smart are you?

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This quiz will test your IQ by calculating your answers to tell you how smart you are. This quiz is not very hard and the average person will know all the answers. Are you smarter or dumber than the average person? Take the quiz to find out!

Are you smart enough to get 100% or will you fail? This is my first quiz and I hope you guys like it... comment down below some other types of quizzes you guys would like me to make!

Created by: Quiz.Master
  1. What is 0/0?
  2. A farmer has seventeen cows; all but eight die. How many cows does the farmer have left?
  3. In what year did the US declare its independence from Great Britain?
  4. What is the square root of 9?
  5. How many years are in a decade?
  6. Some months have 31 days; how many have 28?
  7. A farmer bought a horse for $10 and sold it for $20. He bought back the horse for $30 and sold it again for $40. What was the farmer's total income from these two deals?
  8. What would yesterday be if tomorrow was four days before the day after Monday's tomorrow?
  9. What is the next number in this sequence? 4, 2, 3, 4, 6 2, 4, ?
  10. The "H" in H2O stands for what?

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Quiz topic: How Smart am I?
