How smart are you?

There are many smart people in the world, true. And smart people are people who can conduct themselves properly and are able to be anything they want.

So, what? do you think you are a genius? do you think you are at least smart enough to take this quiz to see how smart you really are? then take it, my friend, and find out if you are a true einstein!!!

Created by: LaRita
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is the color of the sky
  2. if i asked you out what would you say?
  3. what should you give to a woman on certain days of the month?
  4. why are you taking this quiz
  5. what color hair do u have?
  6. what was the first question asked?
  7. hello
  8. can you spell what a cow does?
  9. okay, last question...
  10. what is ur usual average grade?

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Quiz topic: How smart am I?