How similar are you to Penelope Huggins?

Penelope Huggins is the one of the lead characters in the upcoming story: Hogwarts Diary. She is loyal, loves her friends, a true Hufflepuff, and loves to read books.

You may or may not be like her. As you do not know much about her personality, take this quiz to find out exactly how similar you are to her, so you can get a look at what the character is like.

Created by: Penelope Huggins
  1. What is the best series in the world?
  2. What’s the best soft drink?
  3. Would you rather be called a nerd or called dumb?
  4. What genre of books do you like?
  5. If your best friend and your sister were dying, and you could only save one, who would you save?
  6. Would you rather murder someone, or be murdered?
  7. - - - β€” - - β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” - - - β€” _____________________________________________
  8. What is your fav number between one and eight?
  9. Yooooo
  10. Bye β€” pls comment
  11. Wait i know i said bye but I’m bored so ye β€” pick a dot
  12. Ye so see y’all pls comment!!!!!

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Quiz topic: How similar am I to Penelope Huggins?
