How sarcastic are you

Sarcasm is a really known thingy in the world. Some people do not know sarcasm, some people are sarcastic, and some people are VERY sarcastic. On to the next paragraph.

So like yeah. I have nothing else to say about this quiz. All you have to do is take the qyiz. Well...Duh! But this is all I have to say...Good Luck!!!

Created by: ObsessiveComputer142818
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What would you say if you got a D on your final exam?
  2. What fo you do if your friend ditches you
  3. I'm awesome
  4. 1+1?
  5. Now here is a question.
  6. What grades do you get in English?
  7. This will nit affect your score
  8. I am done asking questions
  9. What is an example of sarcasm?
  10. Goodbye!

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Quiz topic: How sarcastic am I