How Runescape Geek are You?

There are a lot of Runescape Geeks today... Are You one too? If You think that You are one You should take this test still because this test will show exactly how geek are you...

I don't know what to write here... I'll just talk about random things like i am just doing... I hate this paragapshhs i can't write that word... lol omg ... i hate this

Created by: JyrX
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How long do You play Runescape daily?
  2. What is Your Runescape combat level?
  3. How many 99s to You have?
  4. How many levels do You have under 10?
  5. How many accounts to You own?
  6. Are You in some kind of Runescape forum?
  7. Are You F2P or P2P?
  8. How many months have you been member lately?
  9. How long have You been playing Runescape?
  10. How many money do You have?

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Quiz topic: How Runescape Geek am I?