How random are you?

There are many random people in the world, like my friend Delaney. You have to meet her to see how random you are. See how random you are on a scole of 1 to Delaney!

Are YOU crazy? Find out now!

Created by: kat13
  1. SEAGULL!!!!!
  2. a seagull flies into your room while you are doing the macarana. what do you do
  3. PIE!
  4. what?
  5. i love dogs!dogs embody loyalty!they follow their master's commands above all else!be a jerk to them and they never complain and they never once beg for a paycheck!trust me fury they're the great servants of man!loyal canine how we solute the!HA! HA! HA! HA!
  6. OH MY GOD!!!!!
  7. i forget (but a bug could have been murdered >:))
  8. >:^)
  9. these last 2 don't count (or do they!?!)
  10. do you think you are random?

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Quiz topic: How random am I?