How Privileged are you? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How Privileged are you?

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  • I think you may have done this quiz backwards, cause I tried to press all the answers that sound most privileged, and it said 0%

  • I got 11% unprivileged. The words talking about my results (I bet ur some blah blah blah....) are extremely offensive. AND. I am NOT male. I'm female. Please watch your words, maker of this quiz. If you can change these rude words, please do.

    • it's very ironic how patronising the words they use at the end of the test are...

  • You are 16% unprivileged! 16%

    You are extremely privileged!!! I bet you're some white cisgendered heterosexual male who never checks his privilege.

    I am white
    I am cisgender
    I am fairly wealthy
    I am an atheist
    I am not heterosexual
    I am not male
    I have depression
    I have anxiety
    I have attempted suicide
    I have had cancer

    f--- off. Also, plenty of white cis, hetero, men are feminists and know theyre privileged. This quiz sucks. I know Im pretty privileged. But you shouldnt shame people for being privileged, you should shame them if theyre privileged and dont think they are, or are privileged and dont care about non privileged people.

  • im 45% unprivileged, but im still problematic?? sorry do i have to be the least privileged person in the world to be a good person jesus

  • You are 32% unprivileged!

    You're still problematic af. but at least you have a basic understading of the struggle. Check your privilege more often.

    How am I "problematic af" What the f--- does that mean? How am I problematic? What do you find about me that is problematic? If I judged people based on their gender, sexual orientation, trans status, skin color, mental/physical health, economical status, education, ect; then you have the right to call me out as problematic. But at no point in this quiz did you ask if I judged people on those factors. All you did was ask me about where I stand on those factors and then made a judgement about me. So am I the one that is problematic or are these types of quizzes and those making them the "problematic" ones?

  • It ask if you are male or female, and at the end it says you are a white male..., im not male and im not white. This quiz is a joke

  • Your skin colour doesnt immediately make you privileged neither do like half of the things this dips--- just asked me. This quiz came straight out of my tumblr-nightmares, thanks for the laugh tho.

    Dr vaginatitty
  • 2% underprivileged and loving it! AFAIK this quiz was made by a cis-gendered white man. I'm taking it to be a bit tongue in the cheek. I think the author was taking a gentle dig about our current silly preoccupation with white male cis-gender privilege. Most people posting here who got a low underprivileged score seem to be making the most of their lives whatever ethnic or gender background they have, and good for them!

  • 20% unprivileged. im 19 years old, white, straight male. I work construction 10 hours a day (it takes an hour to get from home to work so 12 hours) 6 days a week. I work for everything i have. I help my father pay bills and buy all of my things. I grew up very poor ( i lived in a shack in the woods and went hungry almost everyday). I watched my mother get beaten and my own family bullied me daily just for being me. I was also bullied in school for most of my life. Im very suicidal and suffer from crippling anxiety. Now, tell me that im privileged. The only reason im actually commenting is to show you that just because im white, male, and "cis" does not mean im (or anyone for that matter) "privileged." Hopefully you can see reason and realize this, but lets be real, you wont.

  • 8% unprivileged See, that was kind of a rude assumption to make. No, I am not a cisgendered Rich Hetro White male whos never checked his privilege. I am a black bisexual Muslim woman. My family moved here for a better life. This result really sucks.

  • It said that I was 9% unprivileged what do you mean my life is hard I'm only 10 and I saw people get killed

  • Somehow Im 17% unprivileged, I'm white, I never knew my dad (Hes been in prison pretty much my whole life) , I struggled with drug addiction, Im from a fairly big city (200k), I've seen friends die at a young age due to where we live in the city, At age 16 I got a job to help my mom pay bills, Ive been arrested trying to get me and my little brother a meal to eat at night when my mom isnt home. But im privileged...

  • I honestly had no idea this "thing" even existed and it's only because this Voltaire youtuber made a video about this "thing" that I decided to do this "test". Privilege? Please grow up! I have more importat things to worry about like getting myself a job to finally be able to live on my own and repay my parents for keeping me at home for so long.

    People, do yourself a favor and carry on as you are. There's nothing life changing to see here except the skewed personality of the person that put this quiz together and apparently has no idea how different areas of the world work, stuck in "it's" own bubble.

    Have a good day everyone else!

  • I got 9% underprivileged; You are extremely privileged!!! I bet you're some white cisgendered heterosexual male who never checks his privilege. But in reality I am a British-Japanese cisgendered asexual girl!

  • I don't come from any of those places!!!! Don't you know New Zealand exsists?!

  • Quizz: do your parents pay for you?
    Me: I'm 11.....
    Quizz: do you go to collage?
    Me: yet again I'm 11

  • I got 8% under privileged even though I work hard on my own live on my own and go to college which I pay for and have "loving" parents which made me live on my own as soon as I could get a job and now I have mental issues and get made fun of because my sexuality and it said that I must be a stuck up white Male that works off my parents but I am female and my parents don't even talk to me.

  • I got 1% unprivileged and it said "1%

    You are extremely privileged!!! I bet you're some white cisgendered heterosexual male who never checks his privilege." I am a 13 year old latina with immigrant parents who moved here for a better life. They worked hard and got good paying jobs and now earn enough to be in the upper middle class. I agree that I am privileged and I'm very grateful and I have never been discriminated against because of my race. This test is stupid and was surely made made by some privileged white feminist who thought she really did something with this. My family and I are privileged because my parents made a difficult choice to leave their lives behind in their 20s and move to America. They work hard everyday of their life and never act above anyone else and I was lucky enough to be born into this family. So it's unfair and stupid to assume that everyone who is privileged is in that position because they're white. I know this was a long comment but the outcome and message after this quiz is idiotic and it made me mad.

  • According to this quiz I am 0% underprivileged, but I am 15 years old and everyday I feel intensely grateful for how lucky I was to be born with privilege. Just because I am in the 0% does not mean I am bad person as the note I got when I finished the quiz suggests.

    I do community service for people less fortunate than myself and I educate myself on the LGBTQ+ community, other religions and their beliefs, American History (including slavery and the oppression of many non-white races throughout American history) etc.

    Overall I was upset because there are stereotypes about the 0% that are very negative that this quiz promotes. But it is not my fault if I was born with privilege, and every day I try to learn about other peoples lives and think about how I could support my fellow LGBTQ+, colored, poor, or underprivileged neighbors.

  • It said I was 0% unprivileged, which I somewhat agree with, but the comments made afterward were very upsetting. It said I was probably a white cis male who doesnt ever check his privilege. Well actually, Im a young women (yes I am white) but I completely understand the privilege I hold and I have continued to support minorities and under privileged people for a few years now (and Im only 16) I believe that saying such things when a person is privileged is a very limited view. Just because a person, including a male, has a good and privileged sanctuary to call a life, does not make them a horrible person. I think it is important to understand your privilege you hold and help others, but this quiz seems to believe that holding a privilege makes you a bad person. It doesnt.

    • I understand why your upsest. There is something wrong with the person who made this quizz for assuming such things in such an insulating way!

  • You are 51% unprivileged

    I feel quite privileged, even if I do have a disability. I am alive and functioning enough to live it, I couldn't be more grateful for what little I do have.

    • That's a great way to be, grateful for what you have! Your a real character sashiku!

  • Well, I got 6% unprivileged. Immediately accused me of being a cis-gender white male who never checks my privilege. However, I am an Asian female, who just happens to have parents as doctors. So, of course Im privileged!

  • This quiz was sexist racist bigoted mysandrinistic misogynistic xenophobic heterophobic and pretty much everything the left accuses us of being. You left leaning SJW nitwits need professional help thankfully you won't breed willingly

  • Lol. What Fat Feminazi Satanic, man hating, gynocentric, misandrist, nature hating, baby murdering, gender disphoria suffering, liberal racist put this dumb biased test together? The Hatred of nature and Men is so ironic. Its like they want to destroy women and Men and families.

    "You may have encountered a few rough patches, but things are still pretty good for you. Make sure you're not engaging in systematic misogynistic culturally appropriative racist patriarchal power structures to minimize how problematic you are."

    • .

    • "You must be some other white cisgender heterosexual male"

      Um I'm a hispanic pansexual female but I'm not even going to go there because I personally don't think that being white and male gets you as much privilage as whatever ignorant person who created this test thinks it does. I sort of agree that being cis and hetero get you privileges but I can only say that fir the area that I live in, that may not apply to the rest of the state,

  • Maybe if this amount of time was spent working out issues and talking about what is going on rather than trying to force your own culture down every else's throats you may actually make a change rather than pushing people to oppose everything you are trying to get across. Talk to people, don't just yell until they ignore you and claim victim when you are actually the aggressor. 11% underprivileged yet Native american who had to work their own way up with loving parents, and I guess that makes me a cis male that needs to check their privilege. I think you need to check how you communicate and yes, this is a form of communication and shows just how hostile you really are.

    • Uhhh. 15% unprivileged, "You are extremely privileged!!! I bet you're some white cisgendered heterosexual male who never checks his privilege."

      I'm a Half-Asian, Half-White queer person who's genderfluid and the daughter of an immigrant. I also have CPTSD from being abused and molested for years. Not saying I'm not privileged, cause I definitely hella am (I get to go to college, have all my basic needs met, and can afford therapy along with other things I may want) and I'm hella lucky. I'm just writing here cause the person making this, who thinks they're a Bleeding Heart Liberal who's got it figured out, is very mistaken and clearly does not know how to talk to people who believe they are not privileged. Here's something helpful you could say instead of screaming and spreading hate pointlessly:

      You are extremely privileged! It's not your fault, most privileges people are born into and have little to no control over it. But it is your job to use the resources you have to help those less privileged than you and stay educated about how your actions effect them. Make sure to listen and believe, because many disadvantaged people see things privileged people don't! Here's a list of articles you could read to help get you started:

      *list articles*

      Remember, society and situations change quickly so no matter who we are we're never done learning how we can help and learn about groups of oppressed/marginalized people we do not belong to and even those we belong to (heck, I'm part of the Queer community and I'm still learning actively learning new things!). Stay healthy, keep learning, and wear a mask!

      That's a way better thing to write instead of screaming PRIVILEGE and then leaving :/

    • Oh sorry Frost_Wolf, this was meant for the creator! This is the first time I'm using this and idk how to delete a reply.


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