How Pretty Are You? | Comments

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  • Perfect,I really don't think so sense I have alot of mental issues mostly due to bipolar and compulsive behaviors but thanks anyways I needed to hear this as I've been having a lot of bad days more than good. Cool quiz mate.

  • Not only is this terrible, but also the grammar is terrible and the results are so clich (and shallow sounding).

    Over it :/

  • I'm really cute. hmm... most quizzes say I'm pretty, and I few say I'm ugly. Most don't say I'm average. But this one said I'm cute and don't have enuff confidence. I gess that's it. I have no confidence wat-so-evah but these quizzes say im pretty. am I? i dont get compliments or anything. Its cuz of my hair. It's poofy, has tons of split ends, and so not attractive. maybe wen Im older ill get a wig or somthin. idk. ive been rantin on, so bii!

    • Same with me.

  • Hmmm... most quizzez like these usually give me a result of me being ugly, I sometimes get average, but this one gave me somewhat cute but not enough confidence, does that count as average?

    Great quiz, anyway. ^_^

    I like music

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