How pretty are you

It dose not really matter if your not PREETY . It's how kind you are that is important in life. There are ther PREETY and the ugly out there some being kind some not so kind.

Are you PREETY I wonder are you sure your ready to find out? Mm its nerve racking isn't it finding out your ugly could be bad but. I hope you are truly ready to find out!!!

Created by: Hope
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you prefer
  2. Do you we're make up
  3. Do you smile
  4. Are your ears pierced
  5. Are you fat
  6. When you walk into a class do the boys..
  7. Do you have warts on your face or pimples
  8. Do you dress effortless
  9. Do you have big nostrils
  10. Do people always go to you or stare at you jelously

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Quiz topic: How pretty am I