How posh are you?

Here is an informative quiz that will let you know if you are posh or if you aren't, this contains a few questions that will find out the answer for you

The quiz will show you how posh you are, and it's very accurate one. You can also use the same day as my new job is going well and I have been working.

Created by: NotRacistPen
  1. What is the initial of your first name?
  2. Do you have a middle name?
  3. Where abouts do you live?
  4. How many rooms do you own to yourself, such as bedroom, spare room, etc.
  5. On a scale of 1 to 5 how posh would your friends rate you?
  6. Do you take economics or something close?
  7. How many siblings do you have
  8. When did you stop calling your parents mummy and daddy
  9. Do you live close to the centre of town?
  10. Was this uqiz recommended to you by another?

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Quiz topic: How posh am I?
