How popluar are you?

Want to know your statis is school?Well take this awesome test to find out! Whether your a geek, drama queen, or just plain weirdo take the stinking test! LOL

Are you Popluar, or are you not sure. Whether you know or you don;t know, still take the test! I never hurts to try something new for once in a while so take it!

Created by: Rae
  1. Whats your talent?
  2. Fav color?
  3. Your kind of guy
  4. Fav one direction boy
  5. Bedtime?!(lol)
  6. Fav season?
  7. Deathy afraid of?
  8. Hottest Celeb?
  9. Height?
  10. Fav sports?

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Quiz topic: How popluar am I?