How Overbooked Are You?

When you say you're busy, you might be saying something healthy--that you have meaningful work. But perhaps you're a workaholic, in danger of kiling yourself by your overbooked schedule. Take this quiz to help you assess where you are.

Do you cringe when co-workers brag about how much they work? Or are you that person doing the bragging? Is your schedule good for you or killing you? Take this quiz to see if you're finding the right balance.

Created by: Sandra Glahn of Aspire2
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How many vacation days do you take annually?
  2. When was the last time you took a day to goof off?
  3. How are you at delegating?
  4. How often do you check your email?
  5. How do you take most of your vacation time?
  6. Do you brag about how much you work?
  7. Do you think a "Sabbath" is for non-dispensationalists?
  8. How much sleep do you try to get at night on a regular basis?
  9. Does your family think you work too much?
  10. How often are you late because you scheduled events too closely together?

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Quiz topic: How Overbooked am I?