how old is your heart !! love wise!

So I'm making this quiz so people can find themselvz and not go to a so called wrong turn haha lik the movie I'm not an expert so just take my advice in to great use or heck even good but at least listen to what your heart is saying

Do you know if your in love or how old your heart is love wise well find out by taking thisquiz and taking advice from moi heck me I'm not perfect but just take the quiz

Created by: Bethany

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Have you ever been hurt by a boy/girl
  2. How. Many boys/girls have u dated
  3. Are u bored
  4. Do you have a crush!!!
  5. Do you know what loove means
  6. How is this quiz
  7. Are youu having fun yet
  8. What genre of music do u like
  9. Do you know this song!!! Same bed but it feels just a lil bit bigger noe our song on the radio but it don't sound the same
  10. Are u glad this quiz is over

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Quiz topic: How old is my heart !! love wise!