How nice are you?

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Enjoy this fabulous amazing quiz! Enjoy this fabulous amazing quiz! Enjoy this fabulous amazing quiz! Enjoy this fabulous amazing quiz! Enjoy this fabulous amazing quiz!

Created by: Friendlygirl
  1. How would you describe yourself?
  2. Have you commented on someone's, laziness, addictiveness (ipad or strange habit) status socaily or beauty status(how ugly they are)
  3. Would you call yourself popular?
  4. If a little girl dropped her lollipop, what would you do?
  5. If an icecream truck is going to run into someone, you would......
  6. Are you nice, or SUPER NICE?
  7. If the bully of the school called you and some other kid a dork, would you....
  8. Would rather be the killer or the victim? BE HONEST!
  9. Here is a joke: I was standing next to a wall in a chinese restaurant, the lady said "wach ya waa" I want the eggrolls please, but she repeated "wach ya waa" the eggrolls please. And again she said "no watch the wall there's bug killer on it!!!!!"
  10. Are you someone's crush?

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Quiz topic: How nice am I?