How Nice Are You?

Hi my name is Tejasvi and I made a quiz about how kind you are.See how kind you are and be honest or the results won't be right. Remember to be honest.

This quiz has 12 questions that I hope you enjoy.Be careful about lying because anybody that sees your result will now..... So answer honestly and it might not be good...I'm only 9 so enjoy!!!

Created by: tejasvi k
  1. Your best friend comes up to you and says you are a dumb stupid idiot and hates you the breaks up with you.What's you're reaction?
  2. Your teacher comes up and slaps a kid.What do you do?
  3. Some random person comes up to you and slides something in your pocket.What do you do?
  4. You try everything but you can't find them so you see what it is and its a card that will let you make any wish.What's your reaction?
  5. You got your wish,what do you wish for?
  6. Turns out its FAKE! What do you do?
  7. Someone steals all your money.What's you're reaction?
  8. You have a company presentation and you send it to your friend to review but,they add cuss words in it!What's you're reaction?
  9. You are in a beauty competition and you make a nice outfit and you go somewhere and give to a friend for safe keeping.When you come back the outfit is ruined!What do you do
  10. All of them are one friend!You want revenge!!!How?
  11. How is this quiz?
  12. Bye!

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Quiz topic: How Nice am I?
