How New York are you?

This tells you if u are a true New Yorker...If u want to find out you can take this. I would grately appriciate it.This is written by a New Yorker. The answer only a true New Yorker would know.

Are you a true New Yorker? I know i am being i live their. So take this quiz and find out! Are you a true New Yorker? I know i am being i live their. So take this quiz and find out! Are you a true New Yorker? I know i am being i live their. So take this quiz and find out!

Created by: mo

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How many countys are on Long Island?
  2. what is true New York pizza?
  3. what do most New Yorkers drink?
  4. what are hot dawgs on the street corner called
  5. what beach has the light spectacular
  6. their is 1 store in New York that their are 2 besides that one in the country, what is is?
  7. Is their a fast food place in New York called All American?
  8. Is it called Checkers or Rallys in New York?
  9. Is New York 1 of the original 13 colonies?
  10. Is their a lot of gangs in Neaw York?

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Quiz topic: How New York am I?