How nerdy are you?

Have you ever wondered if you are uncool? What people actually think of you? Well, take this quiz to find out if what people say and what people think falls together.

You notice that people have cool clothes and everything else, but just because you may have it doesn't mean that your ALL cool. Take my quiz to find out if your inner nerd shows.

Created by: Shan
  1. Do you know what ":)" means?
  2. What kind of phone do you have?
  3. Where do you usually shop for clothes?
  4. What type of TV do you watch?
  5. Do you wear glasses?
  6. Are you popular in school?
  7. How many friends do you have?
  8. What instrument do you consider coolest?
  9. What name do you like best for a girl?
  10. What name do you like best for a boy?
  11. Do you spend long hours in the library?
  12. Do you read textbooks for pleasure?
  13. What is your favorite passtime?
  14. Do you think you are a nerd?

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Quiz topic: How nerdy am I?