HOW NERDY ARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

people call themselves geniuses but are they really? have you been called a nerd or genius or dork? if yes, take this quiz, see if you are really a nerd, dork, geek or genius.

Do you have the brainpower to qualify for a genius? Thanks to my great quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out! TAKE THIS QUIZ NOW AND FIND OUT!

Created by: Dominique
  1. what are used to identify dogs?
  2. your fingernails grow longer in ________?
  3. your pupils dilate when.....?
  4. you are born with 300 bones, but when you become an adult u only have ___?
  5. your brain is ___% water
  6. you burn ___ calories in a minute kiss.
  7. what name is hebrew for Jesus?
  8. what is Barbie's full name?
  9. how many seconds does it take sunlight to reach Earth?
  10. can you start a fire with ice?
  11. can you kill yourself by holding your breath?
  12. when you put a sea shell to your ear, are you hearing the ocean?

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Quiz topic: HOW NERDY am I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!