How much wolf are you?

A wolf is a creature of the wild who will feed on any meat they can get. If you see a wolf probably best not to encounter and just RUN LIKE HELL THEY WILL KILL YOU

Do YOU actually like wolves or are you like a fleshy human wolves are very awesome they can kill and are you a wolf or a plain normal human who doesn't like wolves

Created by: Gerbils
  1. Have you killed anything?
  2. Do you eat meat? (Steak,Ribs,etc.
  3. Do you like wolfs?
  4. What would you do if you encountered a wolf in the forest?
  5. Say you were on a life raft with little food left with no chance of rescue would you...
  6. What is your favorite animal?
  7. Would you kill your friend if you were stranded with no food?
  8. What is your favorite color?
  9. What is your favorite color of wolves?
  10. Would you wanna live with a wolf pack?

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Quiz topic: How much wolf am I?