How much of a wings of fire fan are you?

This quiz is to determine if you are a wings of fire fan.Try your best and don't stress. This quiz is for fun and I hope you have fun. These questions can be hard and easy.

Some questions are mixed and are not in any order. Some questions are very easy while the others are small details from the books that only appear once.

Created by: Mikaela
  1. What is the name of the 12th book?
  2. Who died by Queen Scarlet in the 1st book?
  3. What was the piece of jewellery that made Snowfall's army invisable?
  4. Who created Snowfall's crown?
  5. Whats the name of one of the towns in the Ice Kingdom?
  6. How was Burn killed?
  7. Which Sandwing queen lived?
  8. What is the name of the dragon that Wren was riding?
  9. What type of dragon did Crystal run away with?
  10. Who changed the fate of Pantala?
  11. What were Hivewings and Silkwings called before Clearsight came?
  12. What power does Silkwings have that is very rare?
  13. What is your favourite ship
  14. Who created the Ring of Vision

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Quiz topic: How much of a wings of fire fan am I?
