How much of a teacher's pet are you?

Come on, admit it! You've had a crush on one of your teachers before, and you really want to impress them. Hopefully, your score will do the talking here.

Is someone you know turning into a bit of a teacher's pet, or are you concerned that you've become one yourself? Perhaps you're just curious... curious about whether you're MADLY IN LOVE with a teacher at school!

Created by: Danielle Shackleford
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your teacher asks a question but nobody has put their hand up to answer, so you...?
  2. Do you have a crush on one of your teachers?
  3. Which of the following have you done the most whilst your favourite teacher is around?
  4. Your favourite subject at school is...?
  5. If you saw your favourite teacher flirting with someone, you would...?
  6. Are you curious about love?
  7. Are you curious about sex?
  8. Your teacher's been really nice to you today. Why do you think that is?
  9. Are you curious about adventure?
  10. Pick a colour.
  11. Are you madly IN LOVE with ANY of your teachers?

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Quiz topic: How much of a teacher's pet am I?