How Much Of A Nerd Are You?

There are many geeks out there, but Nerds are a bit rare. Nerds are funny, nice, and smart, sometimes even fashionable, and can do it all in one fell swoop.

Are you a nerd? Well, just take this quiz, and you'll know! In just a few minutes, you'll have your answer, unless you take a really long time to take the quiz.

Created by: NerdyNerd
  1. Do you consider yourself a bookworm?
  2. What is the latest fashion?
  3. Do you think people who don't like what you like are weird?
  4. What is a "bro-fist?"
  5. The filler questions (which will be this one to #12) will have no effect.
  6. Do you want this quiz to be over?
  7. So.. how ya doing?
  8. Is this quiz over yet?
  9. Just keep..
  10. Yes! It's OVER!

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Quiz topic: How Much Of A Nerd am I?