How much of a gamer are you?

There are many gamers out there in our cruel world.gamers are afterall our drivers in our economic they pay for those games who keep the economics flowing like the wind

ARE you a gamer? do you have the fingerpower do dominate the buttons? do you have 0 friend? but you dont care? you will find out in this quiz :D good luck

Created by: yannick
  1. how much do you play in a day?
  2. on witch console do you play?
  3. a friend asks if you want to go out with him.what do you do?
  4. Do you know what : OMGROFLLMAOWTF means?
  5. Your girlfriend is asking you she wants sex , but your almost at the last level after 50 hours of playing what do you do?
  6. how much do you like anime?
  7. do you love me?
  8. how well do you do in school?
  9. how much for this to end i want to game!
  10. is allison hot?
  11. ARE YOU A GAMER???

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Quiz topic: How much of a gamer am I?