How much of a bully are u?

do you want to know what a bully is?here are some words to describe one: abusive,aggressive,discouraging, effect,evil,force,gang,gossipy,hurt,harass,ignorant and insulting these are a few of the +100.

Are you a true bully? well now in just a few minutes you will find out the answer and prove others wrong! if you are a bully you should be ashamed. i put up with lots of things but one thing that i dont put up with is bullies and bullying!!

Created by: Olivia skye

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. you see someone hurt,you...
  2. you decide to tell a teacher something but what do you say...
  3. What type of person would you say you are?..
  4. who do u hang around with in school?..
  5. what would you say if someone wanted you a fight?
  6. what is your fave colour..
  7. someone is having a fight, what do you do?...
  8. what do u do in your spare time?...
  9. what are u interested in?...
  10. why did u take this quiz?

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