How much like me are you??

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Hi!! this quiz test you to see how similar you are to me! so if your ever bored just take my quiz! <3 also does anyone know why we have to make our descriptions so long any way bye!

By that way, there is no judging in this quiz! everyone is beautiful if you guys have time please take my quiz it would mean a lot! BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Created by: WittyPanda89
  1. what is your favorite color???
  2. Whats you eye color????
  3. what your favorite ANIMAL!!!
  4. what kind of NERD are you?
  5. how many friends do you have??
  6. What kind of school do you have/ how hard is school on a scale of 1 to 100?
  7. what's your hair/ height?? p.s. no judging! <3
  8. how late do you stay up/ how late on your phone?
  9. How similar do you think you are to me? (no effects)
  10. Are you a Christiain?

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Quiz topic: How much like me am I??
