How much Iranian are you?

How much Iranian are you? This is a Quiz to answer this question, both for Iranians and non Iranians. So if you are not an iranian you can still do this Quiz, and understand are you culturally an Iranian or not.

Don't forget, these are my parameters for being Iranian, so please don't take it seriously and don't feel offended, I don't want to offend anyone or any culture.

Created by: Bami
  1. Is your nationality Iranian?
  2. What is your opinion about Iran?
  3. Do you celebrate nowruz?
  4. How much Iranian literature ( like hafiz, rumi, ferdowsi, etc) have you read?
  5. Can you speak persian?
  6. How do you...clean your self after doing your job In bathroom?
  7. If Iran had a good government, what borders would you rather for Iran?
  8. Do you think Iranians are superior to other nations, such as afghans or arabs?
  9. On average, how many times in a day do you drink tea?
  10. Would you like to unite great Iran in cost of war and bloodshed?
  11. Are Iranians aryan?
  12. What is your opinion about Iranian food?
  13. How many Iranian dynasties you can name?
  14. Your reaction when reading Qajar history?
  15. Final question. When someone reads a poem of saadi for you, do you understand it?

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Quiz topic: How much Iranian am I?
