How much do you LOVE Drake Bell's Stomach

There are people who like Drake Bell but there is also few people who like Drake Bell AND His cute stomach. I don't care if you love Zac Efron okay!!!

DO YOU ALWAYS THINK OF DRAKE BELL'S STOMACH? DO YOU THINK OF IT DAY AND NIGHT OR JUST ALITTLE BIT! Take this quiz to find out if you absolutely LOVE Drake bell's stomach. Don't take this quiz is you hate his stomach!

Created by: A Unicorn That Is Brown
  1. Do you sometimes think of Drake shirtless
  2. Do you know that Drake Bell threw up from eating soap. What do you think about that?
  3. When your watching a video of Drake Bell do you think "I wonder how much times his stomach gurgled while he was there!!!"
  4. Do you sometimes wish Drake would say "My stomach is growling VERY loudly because I am hungry"
  5. Do you always want to know the last time he puked?
  6. If you see a video or picture of him eating something you want to know how the food is doing inside his belly
  7. What would you do if you saw Drake Bell with a stomach ache?
  8. You fell in love with him and his stomach as soon as you seen him?
  9. Do you like Drake's bellybutton?
  10. Do you think Drake Bell is lucky because he has such a cute stomach

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Quiz topic: How much do I LOVE Drake Bell's Stomach