How much do you know Twilight Saga?

This quiz will test your nolage about Twilight. Don't think you can't do this because everything is good enough in this test. Just think, you could be a Twilight nerd!!!

Do YOU think YOU could be a Twilight nerd? Don't be too comfident or you will have a dose of stuped dises. (That means you become stuped!!!) You could get 100%.

Created by: morgan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Why do you like it?
  2. What is the authers name?
  3. What outher books did the auther wright?
  4. What is Bella's daughters name?
  5. Does Jacob imprint on Bella's & Edwards kid?
  6. On Bella's 19th birthday her main preasent was?....
  7. What is Alice's talent?
  8. Name all the books?
  9. How many family members are they?
  10. What is Jacob?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know Twilight Saga?