How much do you know Severus Snape?

severus snape, have you heard of him, lets see how much you know about him, (i dont know what to say) whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever

Are you a big fan of snape? do you know everything about him? you will find out right here , in just a few minutes(i dont know what to say) whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever whatever

Created by: Riri880
  1. what is Severus Snape's Fathers name?
  2. How Old was Severus Snape when he died?
  3. Why did Voldemort kill Snape?
  4. Why did Lily start to hate Snape?
  5. Did Snape want to kill Dumbledore?
  6. where did Snape die? (in the book)
  7. what was the date of Snape's death?
  8. how old was Snape when he told lily she was a witch?
  9. what year was it when lily started to hate snape?
  10. who was the real owner of the elder wand before harry?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know Severus Snape?