how much do you know about zuko from avatar

there are few zuko fans and i am one of them. you could become a part of it if you answer theses few questions about (of course) Prince Zuko. I belive if you can answer them correctly you will see prince zuko from my point of view.

are YOU a fan? do you know every little thing about him? if you do then take this quiz. if you dont then scram! take a sissy quiz! dont come herer and think this is just some fun quiz because its not!

Created by: amy
  1. how old is prince zuko
  2. how old was zuko when he got the scar in his face
  3. wat type of bender is he
  4. who is his sister
  5. is zuko a prince
  6. his uncle is like his father
  7. how old was he in book one
  8. mai is his girlfriend
  9. whos feet did he burn
  10. his hair is

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about zuko from avatar