How Much Do You Know About Ww2?

History is really important in a lot of people's life and most things on earth have history to it but over all history is a really important thing to know about.

You are really really really smart if you did not do that good or didn't pass you can take it over again or you can be really good in other things. Good job!

Created by: Hayden
  1. Who are the axis countries?
  2. What happened on June 6 1944?
  3. What year did ww2 begin and end in?
  4. How did American start ww2 with the Japanese?
  5. Who was the American leader during ww2?
  6. Who did ww2 start for America?
  7. Who was the soviet leader during ww2?
  8. Who surrendered first in ww2 on the axis side?
  9. What country was d-day in?
  10. Who was the ww2 British leader?
  11. What colors was on the nazi flag?
  12. What was hitters death date?
  13. What was hitlers death date on?
  14. What religion did hitler hate the most?
  15. Who had lost ww2?
  16. Who had lost ww2?

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know About Ww2?