How much do you know about Wakfu?

Are you ready for the most challenging, awesome, and electric quiz EVER? It will BLOW YOUR MIND! In a really GOOD way! How much do YOU know about Wakfu?

Wakfu. The awesome, increadible TV series. Do you really know it, or do you really... not? Well, after this quiz, you can find out! Good luck, you're gonna need it....

Created by: Sue
  1. In what season does Yugo meet Adamai?
  2. How many members are there in the Brotherhood of the Tofu?
  3. Who is the season 2 bad guy?
  4. What class is Evangelyne?
  5. Name the two characters that have pets
  6. Who DOESN'T have powers?
  7. Ruel has a pet. What is it's name?
  8. What is the name of Yugo's Tofu?
  9. True or False, Amalia has a younger brother?
  10. True or False, Evangelyne has an older sister?
  11. True or False, Percedal is the guardian of a ShouShou named Rubilax?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Wakfu?
