How much do you know about trash/lout of the count's family?

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welcome!! this is a quiz that will let you know how much in your knowledge about trash of the count's family or totcf/tcf novel, good luck! (You will maybe or maybe not need it)

If you don't know (which would be a bit strange),trash of the count's family Is a web novel, the first part has more than 700 chapters while the second part Is ongoing

Created by: Norman
  1. Which of these things happened to the protagonist at the beginning of the novel?
  2. Which of these Places blow up? (2 possible answers)
  3. How did cale found out about the wyvern brigade?
  4. How many ancient powers does Cale have in his plate?
  5. What happened to original cale?
  6. What happened to billios?
  7. Which of these people has NOT seen Cale in an inappropriate outfit at least once? ex: bathrobe, patient clothes, nightwear (circumstances aside)
  8. Which of these weapons has NOT been used against the white star and has successfully fulfilled its purpose?
  9. Who's trash of the count's family's writer
  10. What did cale have to do to be able to kill the white star?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about trash/lout of the count's family?
