How much do you know about the Ottoman Empire?

The Ottoman Empire was a gargantuan force that lasted from ___ to ___. They stretched from Asia to Europe to Africa, lasting ___ years, ruled by 36 Sultans. They were the ones who conquered the last remains of the ___ ___ in ___, led by ___ ___, “___ ___”.

This quiz will test your knowledge on the Ottoman Beylik, Sultanate, and Empire, known officially as the Sublime Ottoman State. Are you an Ottoman cleric, or maybe a janissary, or even the Sultan, of the Empire? This quiz will show you.

Created by: History NeRd
  1. When was the Ottoman Beylik founded?
  2. Who was the first Ottoman Sultan?
  3. Which Sultan conquered Constantinople(named Istanbul in the aftermath) and when?
  4. Who took power of the Ottoman Sultanate after the death of(whoever took Constantinople), yet not establishing himself as Sultan before his brother took the throne, and officially?
  5. When did Süleiman I “the Magnificent” take power?
  6. When did Süleiman I die?
  7. Why did Austria invade their former ally, Hungary, in 1526?
  8. When was the Siege of Vienna?
  9. Who was Sultan during the max. extent of the Ottoman Empire?
  10. When did Napoleon invade the Nile River?
  11. Which Balkan country was the first to declare independence from the Ottoman Empire and when?
  12. When did the First Balkan War start?
  13. When did the First Balkan War end?
  14. When did the Second Balkan War start and end?
  15. When was the Young Turk Revolution?
  16. When did the First World War start?
  17. When did the Ottoman Empire join WWI?
  18. When did WWI end?
  19. When did the Turkish War of Independence start?
  20. When did the Ottoman Empire collapse?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about the Ottoman Empire?
