How much do you know about the movie frozen

Do you think you know a lot about frozen will my quiz can tell how much you know are a obsessed genius or have you not seen the movie anyway in hope like my quiz

This is my first quiz I am exited I hope you really like it I also hope you liked frozen to me it was awsome and there making as sequal i would like it is you enjoy this quiz

Created by: Laasya
  1. Who is the evil villain in this story?
  2. Who is oaken ?
  3. Why does elsa hide in her room ?
  4. How many dresses does anna wear?
  5. Who does anna fall in love with in the end ?
  6. What does Olaf call Kristioff ?
  7. Who saves anna ?
  8. How much older is elsa then anna ?
  9. Do you like my quiz ?
  10. Will you comment or rate ?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about the movie frozen