How Much Do You Know About The Movie Clue?

I wanted to make this quiz because I was watching Clue and I love making quizzes so I decided to make this one! You may want to watch the full movie before taking this quiz.

Are you a true Clue Fan? Until now, you didn't know. But after taking this short quiz, you'll find out for sure and fool-proof positive! Take this quiz now!

Created by: NachosAnna
  1. Where is the house where every murder took place?
  2. Which guest is first to arrive?
  3. Professor Plum has a crush on who?
  4. Who of the following is not part of the cast?
  5. Who of the following is not in the cast? (I know I'm asking that again but it's not the same as the previous question)
  6. Miss Scarlet's weapon was...?
  7. Who shot the singing telegram girl?
  8. Which of the following is not a line from Clue?
  9. Professor Plum was a...?
  10. When everybody paired up, who was Miss Scarlet's partner?

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know About The Movie Clue?